
It's not a trend, it's a guarantee of the future

Grupo Master Grãos

The Master Grains Group develops sustainable practices, including in its strategic planning, actions that aim to care for the environment, society and economy in an active and responsible way. It continuously seeks to improve actions and processes, aiming at preventing and reducing environmental impacts, with a focus on ensuring that the demands managed by the group are carried out in compliance with legal norms and rules applicable to sustainability. It is also concerned with the integration of partners, suppliers, customers, employees and society, encouraging and making them aware of each one's responsibility in the Group's cycle of sustainable action.

The maintenance and preservation of the environment is a responsibility and constant concern of the Master Grains Group.


  • Focus on fulfilling the demands managed by the Group, seeking to meet the legal norms and rules applicable to sustainability.

  • Continuous search for the improvement of actions and processes aimed at preventing and reducing environmental impacts, in addition to strict management of greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors and companies of the Group.

  • To be the integration vector for partners, suppliers, employees and the society where the group's companies are inserted for an awareness and responsibility for a cycle of sustainable action.
  • Ações

    • Grain Origination: Consultation with competent bodies for traceability and monitoring of direct and indirect suppliers in the areas of the Amazon and Cerrado biomes in the field of action of the Master Grains Group.

    • Society and collaborators: Cycle of lectures and investments in actions to mitigate environmental degradation and social actions

    • Transport: Fleet of heavy vehicles where 100% uses SCR technology - Selective Catalytic Reduction (acronym in English for Selective Catalytic Reduction) through the injection of ARLA 32 in the exhaust system of the vehicle, eliminating practically 98% of the nitrogen oxides that would be thrown into the atmosphere.Frota de veículos pesados onde 100 % utiliza-se de tecnologia SCR – Redução Seletiva Catalítica (sigla em inglês de Selective Catalytic Reduction) através da injeção do ARLA 32 no sistema de exaustão do veículo eliminando praticamente 98% dos óxidos de nitrogênios que seriam jogados na atmosfera.

    • Selective Waste Collection: Carried out at the Group's units, in order to direct waste correctly and efficiently.